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Seed #1 – Reading to Babies

Study: Reading to Children Before Kindergarten Spurs Vocabulary

Students who haven’t read as much before school may have more difficulty or learn at a slower pace compared to kids who enter kindergarten…

Four Words That Change Lives

Children’s brains will reach 80 percent of their adult size by their third birthdays. We have the power to help our future leaders’ brains reach their fullest potential…

Reading Books to Babies

You may wonder about the benefits of reading to your baby. An infant won’t understand everything you’re doing or why. But reading aloud to your baby is a wonderful shared activity…

Read Early and Often

You probably know that it’s important to read to your child. You also may have heard that starting earlier is better. But maybe you feel a little silly reading aloud to an infant?…

Seed #2 – Talking to Babies

How to Talk to Your Baby

You play “peek-a-boo” with your baby. You talk to her while you’re changing her diaper. You sing to her as you rock her to sleep…

The Importance of Talking to Babies

Children’s brains will reach 80 percent of their adult size by their third birthdays. We have the power to help our future leaders’ brains reach their fullest potential…

Adorable Conversation Between Father and Toddler

You won’t want to miss this adorable moment of a father and his toddler having a full-fledged conversation…

The Importance of Talking to Your Children

Research supports adult and child communication as one of the top literacy skill development strategies…

Why Talking to Your Child Could be Key to Brain Development

A new neuroscience study finds that back-and-forth conversation is related to brain activity and verbal aptitude…

Seed #3 – Limiting Screen Time

Is Screen Time Bad for Babies and Toddlers?

Once your child is at least 18 months old, it’s okay for him to spend a little time watching a high-quality show or playing a fun app with you. But for babies younger than that…

What You Need to Know About Babies, Toddlers, and Screen Time

You want your kids to be technologically adept — but without giving them so much screen time that it’s not healthy for development…

Stop Putting Your Babies and Toddlers in Front of Screens, WHO Advises

Infants and toddlers under the age of 2 should not spend any time in front of screens, according to guidelines issued by the World Health Organization…